Your Life Is Happening In Front Of You

To achieve your dreams, you have to ask with confidence, with trust, with faith and with courage. You have to trust in God and in the Universe to deliver what you ask for. You have to believe in yourself and in your dreams. You have to trust that everything will work out in your favor.

You may be reading this and thinking, “Yes, of course. I know I can do it.” The question is, why do you believe it can’t be done? Why do you believe you are not qualified to do it? Why do you believe it will never come to pass? What stops you from believing?

Let’s think about that for a minute.

The Universe does not know or care about your qualifications. The Universe does not care if you have been a physician, an engineer, or an astronaut. It only cares that you ask. It cares that you have faith. The Universe is very neutral, just like you. The only thing the Universe will allow is a request to be answered honestly.

The Universe loves the sincere humble and sincere belief in your dreams. The Universe loves the sincere believing in your success. The Universe does not care how long it has taken you to accomplish what you have asked. It only cares that you wanted to accomplish it.

You have asked. The Universe has answered. The Universe asks nothing further. It loves and respects your wishes.

The Universe cares about your confidence and trust and faith. The Universe cares about the sincere sincerity of your request. It will deliver it. The Universe is neutral. It does not care who is in charge or who is directing the progress of the requests. It just does what is asked.

The Universe does not care about why you ask. It only cares about the request to be answered honestly. Without trust, confidence and sincerity, your request will be unanswered. No matter how long it has taken you. The Universe does not want to disappoint you. It cares about your wishes.

The Universe responds to the request with honesty, trust and sincerity. It will bring to you whatever you ask for.

To keep the Universe in its path, you must show faith and sincerity. Without trust, there is no progress. It will move forward at its own pace. It will not give you instant results. It will not change the course of your life. It will only make progress when you ask sincerely and show genuine faith.

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