The True Path: 7 Steps to Finding Your Passion and Purpose in Life

two person standing on full your destiny pavement artworkLife is way too short to pursue your dreams. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven steps for finding your passion and purpose in life. Let’s get started!

In life, there are two paths: the True Path and False Path.

In life, there are two paths: the True Path and False Path.

You encounter thousands of decisions every day. Some decisions are small, such as what to eat for breakfast, and others can be big, such as what career to pursue.

Some decisions are easy to make, relatively simple, and do not require much thought. However, making decisions requires more than just simple, straightforward decision making.

The True Path represents a journey of self-discovery.
The False Path is the path of least resistance.

The False Path is easy. It does not require much effort, thought, or planning.

Life is about making choices. The True Path is the way of mastering the art of making choices.

The True Path involves finding meaning and purpose in life.

A 7-year old boy was so excited to go to school. He couldn’t wait to learn new things. He could feel his bubbling energy as he ran to class. As he got to the playground, his classmates came running up to him. “Did you have a great day?” they asked. “Yes!” he exclaimed. “I learned so many fun things!”

Later that day, his parents and teachers came to talk with him about his behavior. “You did seem really enthusiastic today,” his mother said. “Do you know why?” “Because I got a gold star!” the boy exclaimed proudly. “Well,” his teachers said, “you did learn some things in school today. But a ‘gold star’ isn’t really what your teacher wants you to get. We want you to get ‘a gold star’ in life.”

“A gold star in life?” the boy asked. “What does that mean?” “It means when you do something really hard, you get really smart, and when you do something really nice, you get really lucky,” his teachers explained. “If you do something really hard, you get really smart. For example, if you work hard at math, you’ll get really good at math. If you work hard at playing baseball, you’ll get really good at baseball. And if you want a gold star in life, you have to work really hard at being a good person. You have to be kind, caring, and nice. And if you do, you’ll get really lucky. You’ll get lots of good friends, lots of nice stuff, and a lot of fun experiences.”

The boy thought about it for a long time and thought about what he really liked doing. He loved playing with his friends, and he liked helping his teacher make the class fun. He loved his mom and dad and his dog. He loved to play outside. And he loved to learn. “I think I like being nice a lot,” he said. “Then you’d better try very hard to be nice,” his teachers told him.

The 7-year-old boy remembered his gold star. He thought about how hard it was to get that gold star. It was very hard, but his parents had been really supportive, and his teacher had taught him

The False Path is searching for happiness.

The False Path is searching for happiness.

Everyone has a purpose in life. Even those that are in pursuit of happiness. However, how many of us are truly happy and doing what we love?

The False Path is filled with people unhappy with their lives, endlessly searching to find their place in this world.

So, what are these people doing about their discontent?

They are searching for happiness.

This search for happiness comes from two very different places:

The ego – people believe that happiness comes from material gain.

The soul – people believe that happiness comes from spiritual enlightenment.

The ego is always looking for happiness in the outside world. The soul is always looking for happiness within itself.

The ego is always looking for the next raise, or higher position, or bigger house, or newer car, etc.

The soul is always looking for the next spiritual retreat, or the next self-help book, or the next guru, or the next guru, or the next guru…

The ego is always looking for material gain. The soul is always looking for spiritual enlightenment.

Self-help books are written by the book authors to help you sculpt yourself into the perfect person. They sell you on the idea that you are the person inside your head, and the goal of this book is to mold you into the “perfect you.”

However, many people, especially in the United States, are unsatisfied with their lives.

Very unsatisfied.

So, they make themselves feel better about their discontent by gaining material possessions.

The bigger house.

The nicer car.

The more expensive clothes.

The winner of the race is the person with the best material possessions.

As Jim Rohn once said:

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk

The False Path is selfish.

The False Path is selfish.

If you push yourself too far into The False Path, you’ll eventually burn out. You won’t feel satisfied.

You won’t be fulfilled.

You won’t feel alive.

You’ll just be tired.

The False Path is the narrow and selfish path that other people recommend to you.

It’s the path that leads you away from your True Path.

The True Path is the wide, honest path that you want to take.

You can’t see The True Path while you’re in The False Path.

That’s because The False Path is always leading you away from your True Path.

The False Path involves comparing yourself to others.

The False Path involves comparing yourself to others. – The False Path involves comparing yourself to others, searching for perfection, and striving for happiness outside of you.


Life is full of choices. Some of those choices can be trivial. Others can be life-changing. Making the True Choice is not easy. It requires an inward journey, self-reflection, and the courage to explore one’s self. It takes effort and commitment to reach for the True Path. On the False Path, the Source of Truth and Guidance, the Holy Spirit, is present, but His Voice is not heard.

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